Unit 2 Project Reflection

I am now understanding analysis/arguments differently and more thoroughly, as I feel this unit has taught me how to read between the lines even more than the last unit. I feel like everyone's main focus is the climax of a story, or the end result. This unit has taught me how to analyze a storyline, and how the rising action and the lessons learned along the way are the true importance of the story. Additionally, I feel I have become more immersed in perspective. Since discourse was a running theme throughout the unit, I feel understanding point of view was emphasized the most.

There are two readings specifically that I feel have stuck with me this unit. First, the article about science and myths behind breakfast food. I feel this article emphasizes the spread of misinformation and proves how quick people are to make fake accusations of things they hear/ see online.The other reading that stuck with me this unit was the article about how fitness trainers are doing more harm than good. I feel this has the same concept behind the first article, not all things are as they seem. It is important to understand sides to all accusations, and being aware of both sides of the topic so you are making an ethical and smart conclusion. 

The one quote I used in my essay is “all French people hate Americans.” Though I did not get it from a direct source, it is a phrase I have heard a lot. I feel his shows a generalized assumption of the population that is overexaggerated due to the cultures differences.

My project has certainly evolved. I feel my 60 second video shared my side of being a french-American, but didn't dive deep into the cultures separately.. Like I said, as my knowledge about this unit has broadened, I've incorporated my class knowledge into my final draft, and made it a story about the separation and diversity that causes a divide, when we should all embrace our differences and unite.

If I had more time on this project, I would incorporate personal stories between American and French citizens. 


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