Unit 3 Project Reflection (Text #2)

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  1. I really liked reading about the progress of your relationship and how your artifacts grew and changed as you grew and changed. I also liked your description of how every artifact connected to your journey with softball. - Lissy Sumner

  2. It was interesting to hear about how your relationship developed and how your artifacts changed as a result of your experiences. I particularly liked how you explained the significant relationships each artifact had to your softball career. I love the way your blog is set up you did a great job over the 3 units!! -Trinity

  3. I like how you share a deep connection with softball, as do I with baseball. Seeing that I see the similarities between the two sports and know how they intertwine. Also, I like how you shared first-hand experiences along with expert opinions. - Andrew

  4. I like how you show your progression and growth in softball! It shows great character development and helps us better see how your relationship is now compared to how it was before! -Carlee


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